Thursday, September 24, 2009

This is a combination of many useful tools. Download the file and put it in HeroesOfNewerth/game/ folder.

-Adds the DotA names for items below their HoN name.
-Increases the size of Tower health bars
-An extension of Bard's Missing/Returned Mod that moves the buttons to the right of the minimap and adds 3 new buttons for warning teammates to move back or push the respective lanes
-Improves the display of buffs and debuffs by showing the remaining time similar to abilities
-Adds a button to the community panel interface with a few useful buttons to displays things like your FPS or Ping
-Displays a player's stats when you hover over their name
-Changes the friendly/enemy colors to white and red from green and red
-Adds an additional style for the allied hero display in the upper left corner. Toggle between none, the default and Bard's custom style
-A scoreboard mod that makes the scoreboard more compact while still displaying all useful information
-Allows you to filter games by pings or based on 'Brasil' being in the game name
-Adds a music button to "The Useless Button" mod.
-Increases the brightness of the targeting cursor
-Adds a disconnect button that appears when the world tree or shrine dies
-Adds Hero Health and Mana as a percentage above their health bars.
-Allows you to filter players in the game lobby based on their PSR. You can add exceptions to your limits as well
-Adds boxes that slide onto the screen when an ally talks. The boxes are color coded and have the player and hero names
-Adds a button that lists your hero picks in Single Draft mode
-A super customizable interface mod by Barter
-Changes the size of the in-game text
-Adds a small encyclopedia window to the Clan & Community Panel allowing you to quickly access detailed information about heroes, items and chat terms anywhere in the game
-A simple mod that allows you to close notifications by right clicking them



Thursday, September 3, 2009

Changes g_camDistanceMax to 2200 from 1650 so you can zoom out further to see more. Doesn't require reloading between games.

To use it start HoN then run injector.exe at any point. It should exit straight away. When in game you should be able to zoom out further (note you have to manually zoom out by scrolling, it's not automatically zoomed out). Vista users run as an administrator.

Source code included.

Credits go to Identify.

Download: IncreasedCamDistance - Speedyshare

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Whats this mod about
This one allows a player to make use of the K2 engine's one neat feature - drawing on the minimap. It was present for commanders in Savage 2, but the UI option for this was not yet introduced in HoN. This mod enables it unofficially until that's in (or they make one of those funny decisions again and never add a toggle).

All players on your team will saw what you draw.

Of course, do maintain a decent code of conduct while using this tool


To install, download this file into the games folder game/ folder. The default locations for these are:

Linux: /home//HoN/game/
Windows 7: C:\Program Files\Heroes of Newerth\game\
Windows Vista: C:\Program Files\Heroes of Newerth\game\
Windows XP: C:\Program Files\Heroes of Newerth\game\
1. Press Finder
2. Press Applications
3. Right click 'Heroes of Newerth', and press Show containing files
4. Open Game folder
5. Move file here

Caveat Emptor
If two people try to draw at the same time, "it'll spaz out continually try to connect the two points where the people are clicking". There's nothing I can do about this, it's an engine thing. It was designed for only 1 person per team to be able to draw.

If you're having a banlist-worthy douche abusing this, heres how to disable it:

press ctlr+f8

ui_minimapdrawtime 0

press ctrl+f8

Feedback along with ideas is appreciated.

Sharing this in-game
Here's an easy url to remember/type in:

Whats this mod about
This one makes the hero tooltip be permanent and displays their current/max health instead of their hero name.

Useful on all heroes, especially when playing Legionnaire.


To install, download this file into the games folder game/ folder. The default locations for these are:

Linux: /home//HoN/game/
Windows 7: C:\Program Files\Heroes of Newerth\game\
Windows Vista: C:\Program Files\Heroes of Newerth\game\
Windows XP: C:\Program Files\Heroes of Newerth\game\
1. Press Finder
2. Press Applications
3. Right click 'Heroes of Newerth', and press Show containing files
4. Open Game folder
5. Move file here

Feedback along with ideas is appreciated.

Credits to Vadi

Friday, August 14, 2009

Currently updated as of patch [1.35]

How to get this

1. Download this .s2z file

2. Place the file inside the Heroes of Newerth game directory

For example: Program Files\Heroes of Newerth\game

You will now have the DotA names like in the screenshots. To revert to the normal setup without the DotA names, simply delete the resources001.s2z file


This just allows right click to be used to deny an allied unit or building, instead of having to attack-click (pressing A then left click). It also means you can't auto-follow an ally, I don't think anyone uses that anyway, just a warning in case.

Start HoN, then at any time run EasyDeny.exe. It will close straight away if successful, else it will display an error message. Vista users must run it as an administrator.

Source code included, public domain.
Download: EasyDeny - Speedyshare

1. Start HoN
2. Run HoNMaphack.exe
3. Switch back to HoN
4. Join any game
5. Press Home/Pos1 button to toggle it on/off. It's off by default.

HoNMaphack History - by Sheppard

. Updated to Patch 0.1.35
. Rewrote Hero-Picker

. Updated to Patch 0.1.34

. Added Configuration file (HoNMaphack.cfg)
. Added Hero-Picker
(will instantly pick the hero of your choice once you're in the hero pick menu).

. Updated to Patch 0.1.33

. Updated to Patch 0.1.31

. Updated to Patch 0.1.30

. First Release

Speedyshare (down atm)